Bhoota Nadi Pariksha / Ravana Nadi Pariksha
Bhoota Nadi Pariksha is one of the most powerful techniques of diagnosing a patient who is far away. Only a Siddha Vaidya who knows Ravana Nadi Pariksha can perform this. Bhoota in Sanskrit means “Soul”. Here the connection…
Healing Beyond Medicine
Healing Beyond Medicine – ₹2500 per session X no. of sessions (to a maximum of 5 sessions) An integral approach to understanding the properties of energies (Pranayamas, Kriyas and Mantras) in specific and energies in herbs, foods and…
Diet Counselling
Diet Counselling – ₹1500 This forms an integral part of the treatment process where foods and their energies, nutritional and assimilative qualities are recommended. This is different as it is purely on the fundamental principles of Ayurveda. Also,…
Spiritual Counselling
Spiritual Counselling – ₹2500 per session X no. of sessions (upto 5 sessions maximum) Looking within, understanding your current limitations, breaking emotional and mental barriers, beliefs, biases and prejudices, blending into any environment, Going beyond the duality and…
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy ₹2500 per session – Addressing ailments through asanas, tailor made postures, alteration in breathing to change energy patterns and release locked up energies , different ways of performing asanas according to body type and ailments, application…
Marma Chikitsa
Marma Chikitsa ₹1500 per session – Energy pathways in the body associated with certain organs, and specific energy channels are activated to intensify the flow of Prana or life force to bring immediate healing in the body. This…
Face & Aura reading
Face & Aura reading ₹1500 Per Session – This is totally based on the aura on the face. It is said that the face is the index of the mind. The science of Tantra Shastra indicates various features…
Energy Cleansing At Home
Energy Cleansing At Home ₹Price on Request – This is a very essential activity as we tend to deposit our negativity in our environment and become a victim of it sooner or later. Our thoughts, perceptions and decisions…
Energy Cleansing In Work Environment
Energy Cleansing In Work Environment ₹ Price on Request – Stress is a perennial problem in the work place. With varied perceptions and behavioural preferences that precede the objectives of the company, frequent cleansing of deposited energies are…
Parent-child psychological counselling – Padmini Bapat (P.G.D.P.C)
“A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support” Counselling is not only for the adults but important for the children as well who are going through stress,…
Divine Card Reading
₹150 Per Question Know everything there is to know about yourself and the key questions that are bothering you Know where you need to be and what you should do to make your life meaningful and action-oriented Know…