Meaning : Plasma, also called Skin. The first product of Digestion & Metabolism
System carrier : The Lymphatic System, Heart, Blood Vessels, Skin and Mucus membrane
Action : PREENANA (PLEASURE) The action of Plasma is to give nourishment. Plasma provides
nutrition to all the tissues and also serves to fill them up and afford a sense of fullness in life. It is
responsible for hydration of the tissues and for maintaining the electrolyte balance.
When Plasma or Rasa is sufficient, we feel happiness and contentment. We need vitality and we
can enjoy only when moving (exercise) and acting (being active). Rasa gives a zest for life and a
sense of Beauty and Joy. The term “Rasa” itself means both essence or sap and circulation in the
Originates from : The Heart & Blood Vessels
Waste Product – Phlegm
Cause of Rasa Dhatu Disorders – Heavy Food, Overeating, Cold Beverages & Food, Eating Fried,
Oily, Processed or Leftover foods, Unhealthy food combinations, Eating Excess Sugar or Salt, Eating too
much of Cheese or Yoghurt, Excess toxins in the body, Excessive or insufficient Physical exercise, Too much
of worry, anxiety or lack of trust.
Symptoms of Rasa Dhatu Disorders –
Increased – Lymphatic & Venous congestion, Recurring Colds, Bronchial or Sinus Congestion, Excess
Salivation, Edema & Swelling, Feeling of Heaviness in the Heart.
Decreased – Anemia, dehydration, Dizziness, Dry Skin, Emaciation, Excessive thirst, Fatigue,
Hypersensitive, Palpitations, Shock.
Disturbed – Dizziness & Nausea, Fatigue, Fever, Lack of Taste, Lack of Faith, Lack of Perception,
General Bodily aches & Pains.
VATA – Dehydration of dry skin, Poor Circulation, Cold skin, Blackish / Brownish Discolouration of Skin,
Skin may be cracked & rough
PITTA – Excess pitta flowing thru Rasa dhatu. Hot flashes, Acne, Rashes, Eczema
KAPHA – Dermoid Cyst, Thickening Skin, Lymphatic Congestion, Colds, Sneezing
Rasa Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –
Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Low Water intake, Fasting, Irregular Meal timings, Eating
excessive quantities of Dry foods, Eating Excessive Salt, Eating before the previous meal is digested, Over
eating, Staying up late at night, Insufficient Sleep, Mental Stress, Worry & fear.

Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Drink plenty of water, Eat Sweet
Juicy fresh fruits, Eat fresh juicy vegetables, Get more sleep, Sleep before Pitta time, Manage stress, ideally
through meditation, Take herbalised full body massages.

Treatment Herbs – Shatavari, Amla, Ginger, Cinnamon, Sage & other Expectorants can help
Other Treatments – Anti Kapha therapy treatment to prevent Mucus formation should be adopted.
Using herbs like Ginger, Cinnamon, Sage & other Expectorants can help. Saunas & Steam bath are helpful.
Attention must be given to improving the circulation in the body. Performing Lymph Drainage Massage can
help. Massage on the front of the body from neck down to the Clavicle & Sternum. As the Armpits & Groin
contain Lymph Nodes, proper attention must be paid to these areas, including the Abdomen, using Circular
Strokes. In Vata conditions, Oil massage using medicated oils like Sesame, herbs that build Plasma like
Shatavari. Dairy products like Milk are very important.

Meaning : Blood, Particularly the Haemoglobin portion.
System carrier : Circulatory System
Action : JEEVANA (LIFE) Rakta dhatu oxygenates cells. Rakta literally means what is coloured
and what is red. Bold gives colour both figuratively and literally.
Originates from : Liver & Spleen
Waste Product – Bile

Cause of Rakta Dhatu Disorders – Defeciency of Iron or Vitamin B12, Excess Sugar or Salt,
Excessive exposure to the Sun, Exposure to Radiation, Consuming Heating Oils & Fried Foods, Unhealthy
Food Combinations, Liver & Spleen Disorders, Eating Sour & Fermented Foods, Cheese, Curds & Pickles,
Working in a Hot Environment, Excessive or insuffecient Physical Exercise, Represses Agression, Anger,
Envy & Hate.
Symptoms of Rakta Dhatu Disorders –
Increased – Bleeding Tendencies, Enlarged Liver & Spleen, Fullness of Blood Vessels, Hypertension,
Red Eyes, Acne, Eczema, Dermatitis, Rashes.
Decreased – Anemia, Breathlessness or exertion, Craving for Hot Spicy Foods, Sour & Citrus foods &
Iron Rich foods.
VATA – Anemia, Abnormal pulse, Low Blood pressure, Dizziness, Vertigo, Cardiac Arrythmia, Gout (Vata
PITTA – Bleeding Gums, Bleeding Hemmrhoids, Bleeding in the Gastro Intestinal Tract( Blackish Stools),
Hives, Rashes, Urticaria, Sickle Cell Anemia,
KAPHA – High cholestrol, High Triglycerides, Hypertension, High Blood Sugar, Hyperglicemia (Diabetes)
Rakta Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –
Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Acidic foods like Tomatoes, Vinegar, Fermented foods, Baking
Soda, Avoid toxins like Alcohol, Nicotine, Powerful drugs & chemicals, Frequent Anger & Frustration, Hot
Spicy Foods, Artificial Colours, Preservatives, Pesticides, Aged Cheese, Violent Movies, Stimulating &
Exciting News shows or other programmes, Sleeping late.
Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Eat neutral tasting foods, less
spicy foods, Plenty of water intake, Good quantities of fruits & Vegetables, Reduce Anger, Dont Skip meals,
maintain regular meal timings, Drink 1/4th cup of Aloe Vera juice daily, Include Rose petal water in your Diet,
Go to bed before 10 pm, Reduce Anger, Meditate regularly.
Treatment Herbs – Turmeric, Red Clover, Manjishta, Amalaki

Other Treatments – Using blood cleansing herbs like Turmeric, Red Clover, Manjishta are helpful. In
conditions of Anemia, Green Vegetables along with Amalaki, or Turmeric can be used.


Meaning : Muscle Tissue
System carrier : The Muscular System
Action : LEPANA (BINDING) The function of Mamsa Dhatu is binding. Muscles are like a
gelatinous covering and give strength to the basic body’s frame. When Mamsa Dhatu is deficient,
one lacks cohesion and integrity of body structure. When it is sufficient quantity, courage,
confidence and strength along with the capacity of openness, forgiveness and happiness comes.
The word “Mamsa” comes from the word ‘Mam” which means to “Hold Firm”.
Originates from : Ligaments & Skin
Waste Product – Excreta from Ears, Eyes, Mouth, Nose & Roots of hair
Cause of Mamsa Dhatu Disorders – Emotional Stress, Daytime Sleeping, Unhealthy food
combinations, Lack of Sleep or Rest, Insuffecient of excess Protein intake, Heavy Acidic foods like Meat &
Dairy products, Over or Under eating, Excessive or insuffecient Physical Exercise, Physical Trauma, Liver
Imbalances & Diseases, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Stressed & Uneasy.
Symptoms of Mamsa Dhatu Disorders –
Increased – Fibrocystic changes in the Breasts, Enlarges Lips, Cheeks & Tongue, Uterine Fybroids,
Muscle Flaccidity & Hypertrophy, Undue growth of Muscle, Fibromas & Myomas.
Decreased – Craving for Proteins, Emaciation, Dislocation of joints, Fatigue, Loss of Muscle power, TMJ
Disorders, Muscle Rigidity, Atrophy, Wasting of Muscles.
VATA – Muscular Tics, Spasm, Muscular Weakness, Fatigue, Improper Coordination, Muscle Twitching,
Muscular Atrophy

PITTA – Myocystitis, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Muscular Rheumatism-may lead to Fibromyalgia, Multiple boils,
Hemorrhoids, Piles, Cough & Irritation in the Throat, Snoring
KAPHA – Fibrodermoid Cysts, Benign Tumors, Muscle Tumors (Myomas), Muscular Hypertrophy,
Mamsa Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –
Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Old & leftover foods, Cheese Cold foods & Ice creams, Impure &
old meat, Over eating, Deep fried foods, Cold drinks, Eating meat or cheese late in the day.
Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Yoga, Stretching & other light
exercises, Vegetarian diet, Amla Berry preparations, Eat 1 – 2 Dates a day, Strictly avoid Red Meat, Pork &
Treatment Herbs – Mustard, Cinnamon, Shatavari, Valerian, Jatamamsi, Bala + Ashwagandha

Other Treatments – For treating Muscular pain, herbs oils like Mustard & Cinnamon should be used. If
the pain is due to high Pitta, tonifying herbs like Shatavari & oils like Maha Narayana oil should be used. If
the problem due to Vata that is increased due to obstruction is present, then oils like Vishgarbha should be
used. For treating Muscular Tumors, the digestive fire of the muscle tissue (Mamsavah Agni) should be
improved by using herbs like Ashwagandha. If it is not important to eliminate Muscle tumors by these means,
then Agnikarma, cauterisation is beneficial.


Meaning : Fat or Adipose Tissue
System carrier : The Adipose System
Action : LUBRICATION (SNEHANA) The function of Adipose tissue is Snehana meaning
lubrication of Muscles, Tendons and other Dhatus (tissues). For eg: It helps the throat by lubricating
it to give a melodious voice. Medha Dhatu gives a sense of smoothness and ease and on a
psychological level, a sense of being “Cared For”.
Originates from : Kidneys
Waste Product – Sweat
Cause of Meda Dhatu Disorders – Excess eating of Sugar & Sweets, Consuming Excess Salt or
Diary products, Consuming excess Cold Beverages & Foods, Consumption of Meat, Consuming Heated Oils
& Fried Foods, Lack of high quality Fats in the Diet, Unhealthy food combinations, Frequent Emotional
Eating, Consuming Excess Water, Sleeping during the day, Excessive or insuffecient physical exercise,
Typhoid, Consuming Artificial drugs & Substances, Consuming Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Steriods, &
other strong & Harmful medicines, Stress & Unresolved Emotions.
Symptoms of Meda Dhatu Disorders –
Increased – Diabetes, Gall stones, Lethargy, Pains in the Joints, Breathlessness, Sluggish Metabolism,
Underactive Thyroid, Excessive Sweating, Fatty Tumors (Lipomas), Low Libido, Excess Thirst & Sweet taste
in the mouth.
Decreased – Dry Skin, Cracking Joints, Emaciation, Osteoarthritis, Lumbago, Overactive Thyroid,
Oesteoporosis, Enlarged Spleen.
VATA – Emaciation, Lack of Lubrication, Dislocation of joints, Weakening of Ligaments, Drying up of
Synovial fluid
PITTA – Inflammed Kidneys & Adrenal Glands, Fat in the Body & Organs, Fatty degenerative Changes in
the Liver, Acidic Sweat, Boils & Abscess
KAPHA – Multiple Lipomas, Fibromas, Fibrocystic Breasts, Renal Calculi, Gall Stones, Sebacceous Cysts,
Nephritis, Hypertension, Albuminuria
Meda Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –
Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Overeating fats, Refined Sugar Foods, Deep fried foods & High
Calorie foods, Large evening & Night meals, Excessive eating of Meat & Cheese, Impure cooking oils, use of
non-organic refined vegetable oils.

Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Increase in fibre rich foods,
Increase in organic foods, Use of unrefined oils, Eating of whole steamed sprouts & grains, especially
Moong, Barley, Marinated steamed Leafy vegetables, increase in exercise.
Treatment Herbs – Black Pepper, Mustard, Ginger, Cinnamon, Guggul, Myrrh, Aloe Vera + Turmeric
Other Treatments – Normalise the metabolism of the Adipose tissue. Fat reducing herbs like Guggul,
Myrrh, & Rasna should be used in combination with those like Cyperus, Chitrak, Black Pepper, stimulate &
burn up fat. Bitter foods like Aloe Vera have reducing qualities. Deep massages with powders of Talcum &
Calamus or with hot oils like Mustard is very useful. Sweating therapy is also very important through herbs
like Ginger & Cinnamon or through Heat inducing Saunas. Anti Kapha diets should also be adopted.
Sleeping hours also need to be reduced. Therauptic Vomiting is also very useful.


Meaning : Bone Tissue
System carrier : The Skeletal System
Action : SUPPORT (DHARANA) Asthi Dhatu is to support The bones serve to uphold all body
tissues and give them Kathinya (firmness) and a strong foundation. When it is sufficient, it gives

confidence, stability, confidence, security, certainty and a good stamina. Asthi comes from the tern
“Stha” meaning to stand or “Endure”.
Originates from : Adipose tissues & Hips
Waste Product – Head & Body hair, Finger & Toe Nails
Cause of Asthi Dhatu Disorders – Excess or low consumption of Proteins, Lack of Minerals,
Menopause & Hormone replacement Therapy, Poor Posture, Physical Trauma such as an accident, Thyroid
& Parathyroid Disorders, Excessive or insuffecient Physical Exercise, Irregular & intense Exercise which
provokes Vata, Excess running or Mountain climbing, Unbalanced Diets, Excessive consumption of Vata
producing foods, Dry Foods, Beans, Stale foods & Leftovers, Loneliness, Insecurity, Lack of Supprot,
Symptoms of Asthi Dhatu Disorders –
Increased – Bony Protuberances, Spurs, Bone Fusion or Tumors, Calcification, Extra Teeth, Excessive
Hair Growth, Hunch Back, Lordosis (abnormal curve of the Lumbar Spine), Spinal Misalignment.
Decreased – Hair Loss, Joint pain, Oesteoporosis, Oesteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rough Dry,
Brittle & Crooked Nails, Shortened Height, Sponal Misalignment, Spontaneous fractures.
VATA – Cracking & Popping of Joints, Osteoporosis, Degenerative Arthritis, Cracking Hair & Nails, Losing
Hair on the head due to brittleness
PITTA – Periosteitis, Severe loss of hair, Loss of Pubic hair, Repeated Fungal Infections of the nails, Tooth
KAPHA – Osteoma, Swollen Joints with Effusion, Tuberculosis of Knee Joint (Koch's Knee), Bony
Deformities of the nails.
Asthi Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –
Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Late nights, Mental stress, Irregular meals, Smoking, Avoid
medication or toxins which contain Mercury & lead.
Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Adequate Calcium Diet like
Sesame seeds, Broccoli, Soaked & Steamed Almonds, Freshly steamed/cooked Aspharagus, Vitamin D rich
foods, sit in the early morning Sun for a long time, taking deep breaths.
Treatment Herbs – Triphala, red Coral

Other Treatments – Sesame seeds & Oyster shells can help to increase Calcium in the body. Enemas
with Sesame Oils, Milk, Ghee & herbs like Ashwagandha & Shatavari are excellent. These herbs can also be
consumed as food supplements. Red Coral powder is also excellent for these conditions. Triphala is very
good for regulating Vata in the Colon which will protect the bones.

Meaning : Bone Marrow, Tissues of the Nervous System
System carrier : The Nervous System
Action : CONTENTMENT (PURANA) The function of Marrow is filling or contentment. Marrow
serves to fill the empty spaces in the body as in the nerve channels, the bones and the brain cavity.
It also provides for the secretion of the Synovial fluid and aids in the lubrication of eyes, stools and
skin. It is of 2 types; 1. Brain and Spinal Cord 2. Bone Marrow. It also produces Red Blood cells
known as Sarakta Meda.
Marrow gives a sense of fulfilment and sufficiency in life. When it is deficient, one feels empty and
anxious. It provides affection, love and compassion by its lubricative property. Majja comes form
the root “Majj’ or “To Sink” as the nerve tissue is sunk deep in the bones.
Originates from : Bones & Joints
Waste Product – Oily substance in the Eyes, Skin & Faeces
Cause of Majjha Dhatu Disorders – Any Doshic irritation that over stimulates or in any way affects
the Nervous System, Artificial stimulants & Drugs like alcohol, Smoking, Marijuana other harmful & powerful
drugs, Cerebral concussion & compressions, Heavy Metal toxicity, Unbalanced or unhealthy diets especially
High Vata diets, Dry foods, Beans & Leftovers, High Fever, Lack of Sleep, Physical Trauma such as Bone
Fracture, Radiation poisoning, Viral or Bacterial infections, Possession by Spirits, Energy field difficulties,
Stress Conflict & Hectic Lifestyles, Unresolved Emotions.
Symptoms of Majjha Dhatu Disorders –
Increased – Excess Sleep, Heaviness of eyes, Pineal & Pitutiary tumors, Sluggishness & Heaviness
throughout the body, Tumors on the peripheral nerves.
Decreased – Anemia, Attention Deficit Disorders, Epilepsy, Insomnia or other Neurological problems,
Lack of understanding, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Disease, Oesteoporosis, Oesteoarthritis, Poor
Communication, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sexual Debility, Stroke Parslysis.
VATA – Cracking & Popping of Joints, Osteoporosis, Degenerative Arthritis, Cracking Hair & Nails, Losing
Hair on the head due to brittleness
PITTA – Periosteitis, Severe loss of hair, Loss of Pubic hair, Repeated Fungal Infections of the nails, Tooth
KAPHA – Osteoma, Swollen Joints with Effusion, Tuberculosis of Knee Joint (Koch's Knee), Bony
Deformities of the nails.
Majjha Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –

Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Unnatural wholesome foods, Junk foods, Processed foods, Deep
frozen foods, Genetically engineered foods, Artificially ripened foods, Foods excessively treated with
chemicals & preservatives, Too much sunlight, Mental Stress, Steriods used for treatments.
Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Increase the periods of Rest,
Gentle but regular exercise, Healthy, wholesome, fresh & Natural foods, Soaked & Steamed Almonds,
Walnuts, Apricots, arm Blended Milk, Foods rich in Calcium, Magnesuim, Vitamin B6 & B12, Regular
Meditation, Going to bed by 10 pm.
Treatment Herbs – Brahmi, Shanka pushpi
Other Treatments – Both High Vata & Pitta disturb the system. Controlling Pitta in the Small Intestine,
one can control Pitta in the Nervous system. Nervine stimulants like Calamus, Shankapushpi, are very
important to start with. Many tonics like Ashwagandha also have nutritive properties for the Nerves.
Almonds, Walnuts & Oils like Ghee, & Sesame nourish the Nerves. Enema treatment with tonifying Oils like
Sesame gives excellent results.
Marmas – Sthapani (In between the centre of Eyebrows), Adipathi ( on the Head, in the centre of Occiput)
Marmas, treated by Shirodhara using Medicated OIls. This is good for disorders like Insomnia, Loss of
Sensory Function, Paralysis.


Meaning : Reproductive Tissue
System carrier : The Reproductive System
allows us to produce another life. The term “Shukra” stands for “Seed” specifically here the sperm or
the ovum in women and all reproductive fluids in general. When it is insufficient, it causes a general
lack of creativity in life and specifically, Impotency and Infertility.
It provides Energy, Strength and Stamina for the entire body and upholds the autoimmune function.
The reproductive fluid gives light to the eyes and inspiration to the soul.
Originates from : Testes or the Uterus
Waste Product – No waste Product
Cause of Shukra Dhatu Disorders – Engaging in sexual intercourse in the Mid afternoon or
Midnight, Experiencing a few orgasms in one night, Experiencing sex during menses, Experiencing intense
sex while under the influence of intoxicants & drugs, Experiencing violent sexin unhealthy positions, Genetic
predispositions to reproductive imbalances & dieases, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, or Herpes, over indulgence in
sexual activity, Physical or surgical trauma, Practicing tantrik sexual practices without proper guidance,
retention of ejacualtion, Unhealthy & unbalanced food combinations, Use of chemical spermicidals, Stress &
Symptoms of Shukra Dhatu Disorders –

Increased – Increased desire for sex, Preoccupation with sex, Excessive semen flow with increased
prostatic secretions but low sperm content, Premature ejaculation, Prostatic calculi, Multiple Cystic Ovaries,
Premature Orgasm, Sterility.
Decreased – Fear of sex, Low Libido, Pain during Coitus, Sterility, Low Sperm count, Impotence, No
Ovulation, Primary Sterility.
VATA – Menopause, Loss of Energy, Low Libido, Premature Ejaculation
PITTA – Architis, Epididymitis, Prostatitis, Endometritis, Multiple Miscarriages, Sensitive Nipples, Tender
Breasts, Poor Lactation, Bartholin's Gland Inflammation, Cervicitis (Cervical Dysplasia, which is pre-
cancerous), Oophoritis (Painful Ovaries), Vaginitis, Fungal Infection of the Vagina (Yeast & Chlamydia)
KAPHA – Prostatic Calculi, Testicle Tumor, testicle swelling, Hydrocele, Ovarian Cyst, Pseudo Pregnency,
Endometreosis, Tubular Pregnency.
Shukra Dhatu Balancing Recommendations –
Factors that Disturb the Dhatu – Excessive sexual activity, Frequent Child Birth, Carbonated
Beverages, Baking Soda, Alcohol, Mental & Emotional Stress, Unwholesome foods lacking in nutrition,
Inadequate food intake, Inadequate sleep.
Lifestyle & Dietary factors to favour balance of Dhatu – Practice moderate sexual activity,
Go to bed before 10 pm, Eat nuturing foods like Dates & Date shakes, Fresh Fruits Vegetables, Fresh
Aspharagus 2 – 3 times a week, Mangoes in the season, Mango Milk shakes, fresh steamed Juicy Pears &
Apples at least 3 – 4 times a week.
Treatment Herbs – Ashwagandha + Kapikacchu
Other Treatments – Foods and herbs that increase the reproductive fluids like Dairy products, Nuts,
Eggs & Shellfish. Rejuvenative herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Bala, & Shatavari can be consumed with
benefitial effects. Sexual abstinence can also cure this problem. Sexual supression should not be forced on
Marmas – Guda Anguli ( Around Anus), Kukundara ( On each post.sup. lilac.spine) Marmas by massaging
using Oils.

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