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Om and Beyond is a Spiritual wellness platform, that is designed to help you heal yourself from within. Our wellness programme does not start with medicine, nor does it end with one. 

More than 30 long years of offering wellness to thousands of people and the in-depth study of the results has produced the most reliable, future perfect, wellness intended, Spiritual wellness programme. 

As a result, we have come up with specific, absolutely natural methods, designed to rebuild and restore your physical and mental well being. 

You will learn to tap into your own vibrant Consciousness, and use your own life force to heal yourself. You have many core power centres that when activated, can fire up your life force or Prana, resulting in healing of your physical and emotional suffering. These core power centres cannot be touched by medicines, or by other human interventions excepting your life force or Prana.

The results are remarkable, truly beneficial and long lasting in many cases.

We are all surrounded by stressful situations as a consequence of being constantly connected with the outside world. We are constantly exposed to the risk of various mental emotional and physical illnesses because of the toxic environments we live in and work through, every day. Result is, our dynamic spirit is left weakened from within. 

Time and again, we have only turned to medication for dealing with our suffering. Medication is a responsibility and needs to be dealt with, with caution. When the medicines and drugs used on us are no more helpful, it means there is something fundamentally wrong with the entire approach to healing.

Unnecessary medications have caused injuries to our internal organs, and to all other functions including digestion of nutrients, assimilation, respiration, circulation, and elimination of toxins. 

An urgent need is to empower the body to heal the effects of both our environment, and medicine induced injuries. 

The positive benefits of our Spiritual Healing Programme you can enjoy are;

  1. Filling your life with A deep sense of love and belongingness
  2. Putting an end to loneliness as you enjoy inner bliss and Happiness
  3. Getting rid of your ailments most naturally before they become chronic or severe in nature
  4. Exploring easy, natural and powerful ways to heal your ailments, and your aches and pains
  5. Feeling rejuvenated with A vibrant Emotionally Mentally and Physically Healthier you
  6. Enjoying improved focus and concentrate 
  7. Learning to meditate and improve your productivity
  8. Developing An Abundance consciousness that only keeps getting better and bigger
  9. Eliminating the feeling of lack from your life
  10. Enjoying Stress free living

Let us hear the experiences of a few of the thousands of people, who achieved amazing results from our Spiritual Healing Programme. Let’s s hear them out!!

Video Testimonials Written testimonials

You can enjoy all these benefits, while you sit in the comfort of your home and consult with us. We will reach out to you online, and do your diagnostics for you. The result will be an accurate assessment we obtain from you, which are;

  1. Precise health pointers that explain the cause of your sufferings
  2. Identifying your subtle, emotional patterns that influence your psychosomatic behaviour
  3. Analysing functional efficiency of all your internal organs and the ailments arising out of them
  4. Pinpointing your current ailments and the potential risk factors associated with these ailments

The benefit of the above analysis will be;

  1. Chalking out the best detox program targeting a speedier natural healing and recovery
  2. Planning a socio-friendly  lifestyle program, that attempts to give you good health and also enables you to enjoy the company of your near and dear ones
  3. Suggesting a diet program that helps you obtain the best nutrition and 
  4. A Diet Programme that gives you high and sustained energy levels
  5. Enjoying your youthful self with an anti-ageing lifestyle
  6. Restoring your mental peace, and discovering ways to be unconditionally happy

Reach out to us! We are eagerly waiting to serve you. Contact us on +91 9353090309 or write to us at info@om-and-beyond.com

We will communicate with you at the very earliest.

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