The universe is full of sound vibrations and these sounds create frequencies that are both constructive or destructive in nature. Man being a microcosm of the universe is also sensitive to sound vibrations. 

Our thoughts and our verbal communications are all representations of these vibrations at various frequencies. Some likeable like when we talk with love and others distasteful when we are angry, some pulling us down in sadness etc. 

Our senses also absorb these sounds and transmit it to the brain and other nerve centres in our body. We communicate effectively with our senses and also are independently able to identify sound patterns of each sense. 

Different sound vibrations have different effects on us. Some create diseases while others help to lose weight, to calm us down, to take us out of depression or to get us out of constipation. 

Our sense organs of expression have their effects on our sense organs of action. This is because we have a subtle sense organ to the corresponding physical sense organ in our brain.  For example, what we smell stays in our memory connected to the nose, what we taste stays in our memory connected to the tongue and what we see stays in our memory connected to our eyes. 

Furthermore, we are able to effectively vocalise our feelings and expressions that we perceive through our senses. There exists in us a capability to sharpen our experience through these senses organs or dampen it to tone down the ill effects the senses have on our body. 

One effective way of doing it through mantra recitation. These mantras are short and effective called Beeja mantras. These are sound vibrations at our level but connect our consciousness with that of cosmic consciousness, through our mind. 

Beeja mantras are a single or combination of mono syllable seed vibrations that have potential and kinetic energies embedded within them. When recited with focus and regulation of the breathe from certain power centres in the body, the mantras can be focused on various organs or affected spaces of congested energies. These diseases energies can be released to bring healing effects. Thus the released blockages help to bring about psychological, emotional and pathological changes in the body. 

Energies can either be tonified or subjugated with the chanting of beeja mantras as they stimulate by affecting muscle and nerve centres in our body and brain. 

Beeja mantras when recited with mudras enhance the effect of energy transmutation and they produce very powerful vibrations. They can also directly influence the working of chakras and the five pranas. 

Beeja mantras have the power to influence the mind. Mind is composed of thought waves which are vibrations in themselves. These thought waves gain prominence when they are associated with emotions and feelings. Chanting certain beeja mantras help to overcome these thought vibrations and can help calm the chatter of the mind and make it still. 

Chanting of beeja mantras bring about instant changes in energy patterns. They need to be specific to the constitution and Doshic imbalances should be considered before introducing them as healing aids for any individual. 

Prior knowledge of the 5 Pranas will be helpful to understand the energy and its effects on the body while chanting beeja mantras. The knowledge of subtle Pranayams and Kriyas are very important to bring about profound changes In the pathological states in a human being. 

  1. For the Mind – Beeja mantras can help to calm the mind or tonify it’s power to any extent. These powers can be used in various productive ways and also to master various Siddhis or psychic powers. Concentration for children can be enhanced and so can memory and retention. Mind can be made to focus so powerfully that even difficult to understand instructions can be understood intuitively and a lot more tasks can be achieved at lesser amount of time. Also, stress levels can be brought down significantly without medication. 
  2. Psychic abilities – Beeja mantras can be recited with Kriyas and Pranayamas to bring powerful changes to one’s psychic abilities. 
  3. Internal Organs and ailments in the body – Beeja mantras can be used to tonify the energy in the internal organs. This can help to ward off further sickness in these organs and also to eradicate ailments. By bringing changes to your lifestyle and diet, you can bring powerful  and changes in your health. Weight reduction, improved digestion, no constipation, better sleep, better energy are some examples of what Beeja mantra can do to you. 
  4. Toning of Chakras – Beeja mantras can help tonify chakras and infuse healing and tonified energies to help you to clear all the Karmic baggages lodged in the chakras. By doing this, you are freed and relieved of many stubborn and sometimes unknown psychological, emotional as well as  pathological ailments connected to these chakra locations. 
  5. Yoga and Pranayama Practice – Beeja mantras can be effectively chanted which doing a Yoga and Pranayama routine. Chanting of Beeja mantras during these times will enhance the effects of Yoga and the Pranayama practices. Energy will be more profound and the affect of these practices will stay longer for you to experience and cherish. 

You are welcome to experience the amazing powers of Beeja mantras feel their profound effects in all walks of your life, your health and well being.

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