Messages during meditation

How you live defines your life

How you live defines your life. Your mind takes the direction you choose. If you do good, your mind wants to do more good and if you want to be vengenceful, the mind only follows your directions.

Having gratitude and being thankful is the key. Love yourself and do not let unreasonable emotions rule your mind.

Problem solving is an integral part of your daily living. If you respond to unresolved conditions in your life and are finding answers in other people’s lives, you will definitely not find any answers.

If you look at a problem as a problem, it lingers on in your mind but if it’s looked at as an opportunity, then you look only for solutions.

So look at the problem and understand where it’s coming from. And why? And accept the answers as they come from within you.

Messages during meditation

When you separate your breathe from your body

When you separate your breathe from your body, beyond your mind, and gain control over your Prana, it’s called Samadhi.

But when you lose your breathe because of your mind, it’s the most weak way of living.

Gain control over your breathe, go beyond your mind. Discard all earthly beings, their attractions and repulsions. Ignore all temporary and ageing earthly beauty.

Seek the abode of the divine, cause here’s where the actual beauty exists, here’s where you consciously lose your breathe in the deepest state of Cosmic Bliss.

Messages during meditation



 A Human is a thinking being. We are always thinking. We are planning, forecasting, and looking to the future of every moment. Our thoughts have become routine depending on the attitude we possess within us. 

Thoughts are actions decided in the virtual worlds, meaning, they are already happening in our minds. When thoughts are clubbed with feelings and emotions, they gain so much momentum that they are converted to actions in the physical world. 

There are five organs of action in us. These are;

  1. Hands
  2. Feet
  3. Mouth
  4. Genitals
  5. Anus

The strength of our thoughts and the conviction we hold to manifest them into the physical world decides the quality of our actions. 

Our thoughts are sometimes riddled with worry too. We do not realise we are worrying till we become conscious of the negative feeling that has taken over us and we feel heavy, inactive, gripped with doubt and fear. And then, fear takes over and makes its decision of. Ot performing any action. 

 Before you do any action, there is a thought. Your thought is virtually action in the subtle world. So when you talk about karma, you should know that your karma, your action, is virtually a thought, a thought mingled with emotion, a thought mingled with doubt, a thought mingled with desire and want. 

I like to do something. There is no intensity in my liking. When I have to do it, it means that I have, within myself, decided to do something with all my might.

Messages during meditation

All that is happening in the world today is perfect.

All that is happening in the world today is perfect. Nothing is out of place. It is the collective consciousness of the people, the vibrations of similar thoughts that brings about goodness or evil.

Stop complaining. Change your thinking. Urge others to do the same. Start a group that thinks alike. Meditate on the goodness for the world.

The world is a projection of what you are inside of you. Start with your self first. Happy journey.

Start a movement to increase positive vibrations. Remember “Sarve bhavantu Sukhinah”. Let peace prevail in everyone.

Messages during meditation

Its all Real.. It’s all Perfect!

Its all Real.. It’s all Perfect!

Everything that you see, feel, smell, hear and taste. You are constantly giving a meaning, a definition to all that you perceive through your senses. The object of “Your Perception*” is the subject of your analysis.

If you want to be free, eternally free… Just be… Do not react!

It is your mind that Perceives, Feels and Thinks.. Just go beyond it… Stop analysing or giving everything a meaning.

Everything in this world is as perfect as it should be. People are as perfect as they “want to be”.. Let them be.. Do not judge.

If you judge, then the truth becomes yours. It is a truth created by “Your Mind”. Then you cannot point a finger at others.

This is the technique of going beyond your ego, beyond your own limitations, your ignorance..

Once you have achieved this stage, you are in bliss, beyond duality. You are a part of the creation.. A perfect being

Messages during meditation



(References to these findings will be present in ancient Yogic texts and Ayurvedic scriptures too).

Your PINEAL GLAND acts as a Biological Clock and is influenced by your actions every moment.

The pineal gland is activated by light and this regulates the whole sympathetic nervous system. Thus it controls your behaviour.

The pineal gland and your Mind works through your brain. So it is important that you give it enough rest to recoup and produce the necessary chemical hormones.

We live by the power of light in the universe. But the overexposure to light also creates problems. The manufacture of certain chemicals in the pineal gland happens in complete darkness.

The Pineal gland is responsible to regulate our sleep and waking cycles. And it is programmed to work with the natural light of the sun. It is supposed to shut off within a couple of hours of sunset and repair the body’s functions and restore its original health. These bodily functions are;

1. Control of our nervous energy
2. Control of our Heart rate and Blood pressure
3. Control over our response to stress and dealing with it in a healthy manner with Calmness and Peace of Mind
4. Controlling the working of our sweat glands
5. Improved immunity by destroying free radicals
6. Controlling and regulation of menstrual cycles
7. Controlling our sexual activity
8. Controls sleep cycles and rejuvenating the body

If the functions of the pineal gland are disturbed, the following health problems arise;

1. Insomnia or luck of sleep resulting in low energy and disturbed bodily functions
2. Muscles become weak
3. We become weak in handling stress and succumb to it
4. Low levels of intuitive awareness prevents us from assessing any situation and taking right actions
5. Mind becomes dull and we cannot think logically and rationally
6. Reaction to stress is often countered by Anger, Agitation, Frustration and Depression
7. Stress induced blood pressure, Diabetes, and Iow immunity affect us
8. Increase in Blood Pressure results in hypertension and exposure to the risk of heart diseases
9. Disturbed menstrual cycles lead to weak ovulation and hampers child bearing capacity In women
10. Men face erectile dysfunction, lack of libido and depression

The pineal gland needs sufficient rest at the right times. When the Sun sets, the pineal gland needs to prepare to rest too. Flashes of light from the television and bright lights at night disturb the pineal gland and creates chemical imbalances thereby producing the bad effects on our health as described above.

So go to sleep early!

Wish you a healthy, Stress free life 

May the light of Consciousness light up your life this Deepavali

Messages during meditation



I am what I Am
Being Unique is my name
I come From a linage of winners
I follow a history of Fame

Of Dreams and Desires
I was made this way
When in tough situations,
I just don’t sway

When I want to laugh
I take you with me
It’s not my fault
If you’re not as free

To life I say “Try Me”
I know I’m a tough cookie
I am as determined
To be as successful as can be

I am too positive
Fear I do not know
I Am Tough, I Am Different,
And I reap what I sow

I Am The Best
I want to let you know
Travel with me
Or, watch me as I go

Messages during meditation



This technique was taught to me by my Guru. There is a very simple technique.

And this works best when you are lead into it gradually, step by step.

The mind needs to be in a pre-meditative state always. This is the pre-requisite. And this is achieved very simply also by a technique.

Let us try to understand why the mind is not in our control. The mind is just a medium to interpret our thought flow.

You have to understand a couple of very important instructions here;
1. Thoughts are both voluntary and involuntary
2. Only those thoughts that are associated with feelings and/emotions will attract your attention.
3. It is our decision to interact or not to with the thought to draw an inference
4. It is therefore our decision to engage or not to engage our mind.

If these four points are understood by you, you have got the first technique. Let me explain a little
here for your understanding.

If you are wanting to reach someplace and you are driving your car in that direction and someone
calls you to another place, will you change your direction?

Well, you will, ONLY if you are;

1. Not sure of where you are headed
2. What is the purpose
3. What is that you want to achieve
4. And If your will is weak

So you need to be sure that to silence your mind, you have to decide to ignore the feelings and emotions that are associated with the thoughts. Your only objective is to attain a pre-meditative state and not be attracted by your thoughts.

Secondly, you cannot consciously control the mind. You can only negate its existence. The more
you try to control it, the more it resists your effort. And when you negate its existence, you have
your mind in your complete control.

Let me explain to you with another simple to understand example. You would have observed
small children who constantly seek for attention. Your mind is like a small child.

When you ignore the calls for seeking attention by the child, the child keeps quite after a while
when it sees you are not responding to its call. But he/she alert to receive your acknowledgement
of its existence. So the child waits for you to call out his/her name.

In the same way, when you ignore the mind, it initially becomes very volatile and then slowly it
settles down as there is no audience. It is ready to do your bidding as it requires your attention.

Now this is important…..! Your mind is just a voice of your ego. If you have to overcome the mind,
you have overcome your ego too. So you can hit two birds with one stone. Control over your mind
and control over your ego.

Remember, if you are forever struggling to bring your mind under you control, you are not having harmonious thoughts. Your thoughts and their accompanying feelings and emotions are distracting you.

So be watchful of your thoughts. What you think is your responsibility. This should not be difficult considering your preference to want to meditate. Remember my example of your wanting to go somewhere started above. So make the right choice to think good and pleasant thoughts that keep you in a happy mood, relaxed and in Joy.

Messages during meditation

Conscious living is the key to be happy always

Conscious living is the key to be happy always



Conscious living is the key to be happy always. Being conscious of being conscious does the trick. You need to be attentive of what you are thinking and why?

You can easily be driven by all kinds of emotional thoughts but do you realise that you are only hurting yourself by constantly nursing them. Then One-Day you become what these emotional thoughts are representing in themselves. 


Unrest in your minds leads to unrest in your immediate environment. Starting with your family members, your neighbours and then to all the passers by, to the people in the traffic. Your emotional unrest paints a different picture of what is being observed by you through the prism of your agitated emotional state. 

The reactions are not harmonious in any way. If you want to be happy seriously, then recognise your thought and the quality of your emotions that you nurse. 


Let me give you a very simple example to tell you how easy it is to recognise the quality of your thoughts and emotions. Have you ever reared a pet or observed the street dog In front of your house?

You will notice over time their behaviour and the way they approach anyone through their bark and the sounds they make. Remember, you do not understand their language. They only have “Bow Bow” all the time but in our communication, we are used to so many different words and sentences in the language we speak.

But over time, we begin to recognise the bark. Oh! This is a stranger, this is a rag picker, this is a known person from our neighbourhood, he is being fed or he is hungry, he wants to play, he wants to go out to answer the nature’s call, he is sad etc. etc..

It is because of your close observation that you come to know the different barks of the dog. You do not have to be seeing the dog but you recognise it’s bark. 

Another very interesting thing to note is this. If you have ever seen a pup barking or reacting, you realise the same thing. You do not discount the pup’s reaction to stimuli. 

When you can so surely make out the various differences in a dog’s behaviour, can’t you notice the nature of your own very thoughts and emotions going on in your mind?

You are intelligent enough to understand the consequences of entertaining or nurturing negative thoughts and emotions and the havoc it can play in your life. Begin to understand your own self talk or the inner chatter of your mind. 

Recognise it! And understand it. Soon you will learn to discriminate it. And you will realise what thoughts give you happiness. 

Enjoy your day in observation and contemplation. HAPPY VIJAYDASHMI


Messages during meditation

We are all disturbed by our thoughts.

We are all disturbed by our thoughts.


We are all disturbed by our thoughts. Our thoughts are projections by our mind. These projections are nothing but unresolved problems /situations / conflicts that require redressal. 

If these thoughts represent your unresolved problems /situations / conflicts, then you need to resolve your problems for your own peace of mind. 


Your mind can only project what is unfinished. If you can finish it, take the step NOW and resolve it. But, If the mind does not have an answer, and still the mind is disturbing you, there is a simple technique to silence your mind. 

Ask your mind, What is the answer to “so and so” problem that the mind is repeatedly projecting to you? 

You will notice that the mind becomes silent immediately. Because the answer is not present in your mind. The mind only projects to you what it cannot resolve. 

The answer is present in your Consciousness.

Therefore, To resolve your problems /situations / conflicts, do not fight with your mind. Silence it and then go deep within and gently ask your Consciousness. 

Contemplate and Meditate!

You can approach your Consciousness only when your mind is silent.


If you don’t succeed, do not hesitate to ask me!

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