
I, Ravishankar Krishnamurthy am a Qualified & Practicing Ravana Nadi Vaidya (Pulse Diagnosis), Yoga Therapist & an Ayurvedic Acupuncturist.


I gained my qualifications through my initiation by a Siddha in Kerala (My Gurudeva), in a Gurukalam. I was handpicked and was told that I was to be initiated as I had to carry this tradition forward and spread the essence of this science as far as wide as possible in its purest form. I was nurtured with love and care to adopt this science.

I was initiated into a unique and powerful diagnostic tool called Ravana Nadi Pariksha by my Gurudeva, which was written by sage Ravana. I was very fortunate to learn this rare and powerful science under his watchful guidance. This science is currently very rarely practiced as it is lost in time.


A little about “Ravana Nadi”;

Ravana Naadi is pure and accurate Medical Astrology.

Ravana Naadi is a diagnostic tool to help you transform the health of your Body, Mind and Consciousness. And while you are in the process, it gives you practical solutions, which are relevant to modern life to promote optimal health at its roots.

Nadi Pariksha diagnoses the psycho-pathological ailments and identifies the psychosomatic ailments of the individual. Also, it finds the cause of ailments and treats ailments from the root.

True healing happens from within! The diagnosis reveals the deepest part of an individual’s mental and emotional plane. The cellular activities of the vital organs like Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Pancreas, Small and Large Intestines and the Lungs are clearly seen.

The revelations through Ravana Naadi helps you in aligning your life purpose and your actions thereby bringing harmony in your being. The ailments and diseases can be simultaneously treated.

The metabolic activities of the deeper tissues are diagnosed. This information helps to bring about complete healing of the individual from Mental, Emotional, Physical and also the psychic plane of Consciousness. The ultimate aim is to be in Joy, in pure existence. This science is rarely practiced today.


The pandemic has created havoc in people’s lives and has prevented physical interactions in close proximity. With my Gurudeva’s blessings, I could put into practice a very powerful occult technique called Bhoota Nadi Pariksha which is an online Nadi Pariksha.

The practice of this diagnosis cuts through time and space and can be done on any person remotely. This practice is called Duti Vignyanam

I am the only person in the world who is able to practice this technique.

I have performed more than 600 such Nadi Parikshas spanning over 9 countries during this Pandemic.


Bhoota Nadi Pariksha is one of the most powerful techniques of diagnosing a patient who is far away. Only a Siddha Vaidya who knows Ravana Nadi Pariksha can perform this.

Bhoota Nadi Pariksha helps to transcend space and enables the Vaidya to connect to the Consciousness of the individual at any distance.

Mantram armour or a KAVACHAM as it is called in Sanskrit, has to be ordained to prevent the Vaidya from contracting any ailment or disease of the individual as the Nadi Pariksha is performed in the Vaidya’s pulse.

The Bhoota Nadi Pariksha is as accurate as a Nadi Pariksha performed physically on a person sitting opposite to the Vaidya.

The Ashta Vidhi Pariksha is also performed successfully, thank to technology like FaceTime, Google Duo, WhatsApp video etc.


I also put into practice the ancient healing practices of Yoga, Marma, Ayurvedic Acupuncture and Siddha medicine as envisaged by the 18 Siddhas including Sage Pathanjali and the Tantra Shastras, the absolute science of gaining Higher Consciousness. 

The therauptic aspects of Yoga and Siddha are designed to suit individual constitutions to bring abut healing that makes absolute sense to the individual.

My education and qualification in Management principles has helped me in presenting this science in a perspective that would change the outlook of people towards their health and relate to Ayurveda and Yoga in a much better manner.


Till today, I have conducted 45000 or more Nadi Parikshas in India and abroad and have counselled more than 6000 individuals with a powerful programme called “MOUNA MUDRA (The Attitude Of Silence) to heal them emotionally and elevate their mental energies. This has helped them overcome stress and bring Joy into their lives. These modules are specifically designed to their individual needs.

This practice is very important to attain a profound state of Meditation. In fact, without this practice, Meditation is not possible.


Most of my patients come from references of individuals who have been successfully treated under my care.

I have developed a system of maintaining records of my diagnosis and therapies and their effects on individuals which is so far not present in the natural streams of medicine in India or anywhere else in the world. 


I have successfully conducted seminars, Nadi Pariksha workshops and health awareness programmes in France, Dubai and in Bangkok. I have been recently invited to conduct these seminars in the United States and Germany. Preparations are on to conduct these programmes in the immeditate future.   

Corporate programmes for Stress Management have been conducted for various prestigious institutions like the IAS Academy in Mussoorie for Senior and Junior IAS Officers, Roundglass USA and Luthra & Luthra Law Firm at the Head Office in Delhi to name a few prestigious organisations.


My Vision – To integrate ancient nature oriented systems of Ayurveda and Yoga into the lives of human beings and qualitatively enhance their Spiritual potential and thereby bring harmony in the coexistence with all other beings on our planet.

My Mission – To revive the ancient diagnostic knowledge of Ravana system of Nadi Pariksha and other supporting systems which positively impact the masses; infuse healing based on its findings through Ayurveda, Yoga and other related Spiritual texts to enhance the quality of global human lifestyles by addressing the conscious uplifting of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

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