(References to these findings will be present in ancient Yogic texts and Ayurvedic scriptures too).
Your PINEAL GLAND acts as a Biological Clock and is influenced by your actions every moment.
The pineal gland is activated by light and this regulates the whole sympathetic nervous system. Thus it controls your behaviour.
The pineal gland and your Mind works through your brain. So it is important that you give it enough rest to recoup and produce the necessary chemical hormones.
We live by the power of light in the universe. But the overexposure to light also creates problems. The manufacture of certain chemicals in the pineal gland happens in complete darkness.
The Pineal gland is responsible to regulate our sleep and waking cycles. And it is programmed to work with the natural light of the sun. It is supposed to shut off within a couple of hours of sunset and repair the body’s functions and restore its original health. These bodily functions are;
1. Control of our nervous energy
2. Control of our Heart rate and Blood pressure
3. Control over our response to stress and dealing with it in a healthy manner with Calmness and Peace of Mind
4. Controlling the working of our sweat glands
5. Improved immunity by destroying free radicals
6. Controlling and regulation of menstrual cycles
7. Controlling our sexual activity
8. Controls sleep cycles and rejuvenating the body
If the functions of the pineal gland are disturbed, the following health problems arise;
1. Insomnia or luck of sleep resulting in low energy and disturbed bodily functions
2. Muscles become weak
3. We become weak in handling stress and succumb to it
4. Low levels of intuitive awareness prevents us from assessing any situation and taking right actions
5. Mind becomes dull and we cannot think logically and rationally
6. Reaction to stress is often countered by Anger, Agitation, Frustration and Depression
7. Stress induced blood pressure, Diabetes, and Iow immunity affect us
8. Increase in Blood Pressure results in hypertension and exposure to the risk of heart diseases
9. Disturbed menstrual cycles lead to weak ovulation and hampers child bearing capacity In women
10. Men face erectile dysfunction, lack of libido and depression
The pineal gland needs sufficient rest at the right times. When the Sun sets, the pineal gland needs to prepare to rest too. Flashes of light from the television and bright lights at night disturb the pineal gland and creates chemical imbalances thereby producing the bad effects on our health as described above.
So go to sleep early!
Wish you a healthy, Stress free life
May the light of Consciousness light up your life this Deepavali