Conscious living is the key to be happy always
Conscious living is the key to be happy always. Being conscious of being conscious does the trick. You need to be attentive of what you are thinking and why?
You can easily be driven by all kinds of emotional thoughts but do you realise that you are only hurting yourself by constantly nursing them. Then One-Day you become what these emotional thoughts are representing in themselves.
Unrest in your minds leads to unrest in your immediate environment. Starting with your family members, your neighbours and then to all the passers by, to the people in the traffic. Your emotional unrest paints a different picture of what is being observed by you through the prism of your agitated emotional state.
The reactions are not harmonious in any way. If you want to be happy seriously, then recognise your thought and the quality of your emotions that you nurse.
Let me give you a very simple example to tell you how easy it is to recognise the quality of your thoughts and emotions. Have you ever reared a pet or observed the street dog In front of your house?
You will notice over time their behaviour and the way they approach anyone through their bark and the sounds they make. Remember, you do not understand their language. They only have “Bow Bow” all the time but in our communication, we are used to so many different words and sentences in the language we speak.
But over time, we begin to recognise the bark. Oh! This is a stranger, this is a rag picker, this is a known person from our neighbourhood, he is being fed or he is hungry, he wants to play, he wants to go out to answer the nature’s call, he is sad etc. etc..
It is because of your close observation that you come to know the different barks of the dog. You do not have to be seeing the dog but you recognise it’s bark.
Another very interesting thing to note is this. If you have ever seen a pup barking or reacting, you realise the same thing. You do not discount the pup’s reaction to stimuli.
When you can so surely make out the various differences in a dog’s behaviour, can’t you notice the nature of your own very thoughts and emotions going on in your mind?
You are intelligent enough to understand the consequences of entertaining or nurturing negative thoughts and emotions and the havoc it can play in your life. Begin to understand your own self talk or the inner chatter of your mind.
Recognise it! And understand it. Soon you will learn to discriminate it. And you will realise what thoughts give you happiness.
Enjoy your day in observation and contemplation. HAPPY VIJAYDASHMI