Animals perform all actions as designed by nature. They have no free will. That is why they eat only certain foods, live in a certain way, mate during only certain seasons and die helplessly as nature intends for them.
Animals are tuned by nature to live. So they have no ability to plan their lives. They do not need a purpose in life. They have no active consciousness to plan, to forecast and to look at the future. They live for that day.
And animals are content and happy!!!
The innocence in animals is absolute. They are completely surrendered to their programming. So they are free. They have no actions that bind them to their karmas, unless they become cruel and act out of their programming because of some aggressive instincts. Something drives them to become overly aggressive and they become destructive.
Humans on the other hand have free will. We have the ability to discriminate between right and wrong. We can plan, forecast and think ahead of time.
But unless we develop a sense of purpose which is Spiritually guided, we cannot perform the right actions.
We feel we are doing our duties. But the assumption of our duties are conditioned by our inner environment, based on our understanding of what is right and what is wrong.
Our definitions of rights and wrongs are changing as we perceive them. It’s all very momentary and fluctuating. We are dishonest with ourselves and with others too. We largely favour our selfishness and act according to what suits us and we convince ourselves that we are right.
We have built around us a concept of God so that we can keep the element of truth intact within us. But as that concept is invisible, we take God for granted most times. And in the time of need, we extend our limbs shamelessly to beg for help and mercy to this same invisible source.
The concept of Karmas looms largely in front us after we have done the wrong actions. We do these actions because of our bloated egos that convinces us to be vengenceful, reactive and aggressive. But after the act, we feel we are affected by our Karmas and we seek pardon from the divine. But it doesn’t stop here. We keep making the same mistakes all over again as our egos just don’t give up.
This whole attitude of duality and dishonestly destroys our peace of mind and the integrity to our own inner self, our consciousness. We are the authors of our own miserable journey. We lose our sleep and become depressed.
Animals were sent into this planet for us to learn from them. Look at them for instance. They have no financial investment to safeguard them, no organic foods to give them good health, no doctors to service their health needs, and definitely no psychiatrists to counsel them. They don’t need any of these as they are completely surrendered to nature.
Have you animals meditating to get peace of mind ?
That is where our scriptures like Vedanta, Upanishads, Ayurveda and Yoga come in. These powerful philosophies have no second and have practical tools to keep us happy and healthy. They teach us to search for our purpose in life, stay surrendered to the divine will and submit to God’s will and live happily.
They teach us how to be healthy and happy. They are not restricted to meaningless and dogmatic philosophies because they are liberating and truly divine in their intent to help you search for your inner peace.
Let us all understand that we are also conditioned by nature. We are also animals. But our intelligence has been misused and over used by ourselves. We tried to act smarter than nature, tried to prove that we can achieve anything and everything. But are we happy at the end of it all ?
Happiness is everything. If that is not present, peace of mind is not present. And is peace of mind is not present, health is not present. Let us unconditional love ourselves only for the sake of our happiness. Let us become true to ourselves. Let us learn to love unconditionally. Those of you who have pets in their homes will know what I mean by unconditional love.
When you have pets at home, you are able to love them unconditionally as they give you unconditional love, but are you able to love them back the same way everytime
? You are conditioned by so many emotions that you are incapable of giving them the same love in return everytime. Are you able to give your family members the same love you give to your pets? Think about it.
If we seek blessings from God, let us make ourselves worthy of receiving his blessings. God will not be impressed with your material offerings of money, food or prayers or acts of violence done in his name.
God is only attracted to your rightful actions that spread love and peace.