What is Nadi Pariksha
Nadi Pariksha is the only complete diagnostic tool to understand the Psycho physiological activity happening within a human being. Through Nadi Pariksha, the subtlest of energy patterns like thoughts, emotions etc and their physical manifestations are clearly understood. The cause of any ailment leaves traces of their origin or the root cause. Nadi Pariksha ascertains every detail about the cause of ailments and their symptoms completely and with clarity. The changed biorhythms are depicted clearly and their outwardly and inward expressions in the body are seen.
What is the significance of Nadi Pariksha
Nadi in Sanskrit is flow. A Nadi Pariksha when conducted studies the flow of anything and everything within you (or should do so). It is a complete and comprehensive process in the Siddha system of Nadi Pariksha which I practice. It is understanding the “Fluid Dynamics” within the human body and the very intelligence that is controlling it. Please read my article “Nadi Pariksha – The Study of the Macrocosm within the Microcosm”
Through the diagnosis from the Nadi Pariksha, “YOU” (as in your body, mind, thoughts, perceptions, emotions, actions etc,.) can get an understanding of the changes in the “Fluid Dynamics” happening within your body, the cause of the changes that took place, the reasons for these changes and the ways to resolve them.
What is the scope of Nadi Pariksha
Nadi or “Flow” understands this whole “Fluid Dynamics” in the “Body and Mind” by revealing the following;
It reveals your cosmic plan, your very ‘Original Plan” –
YOUR PRAKRUTI. The Prakruti gives an understanding of the reason for your existence in this world, and the strength of your original constitution.
YOUR VIKRUTI gives the very reasons why the changes, the deviations have happened within you as compared to the Prakruti, your “Original Plan”.
YOUR MENTAL STATE AND EMOTIONAL STATES – It understands the predominant flow of your thought process, your perceptions, your emotions, your psyche and the reasons why you decide to interact in a certain way.
The DOSHAS – These are Subtle psycho-physiological energies that get affected by these mental and psychological energy patterns and also because of pathological disturbances that happened as a result of the alterations in the mental plane. These are;
VATA (The propelling force that is responsible for growth and change within you,
PITTA (The energy for transformation and metabolic activity) and
KAPHA (The energy responsible for providing form, stability, sustenance and continuation.
THE DHATUS – The formation of various tissues in your body ie.
(i) RASA – Indicates the healthy formation of plasma, the lymphatic system, health of blood vessels and mucous membranes in the body, on a lower side, aches and pains in the body and its cause.
(ii) RAKTA – Reveals the amount of haemoglobin in the blood, the extent of oxygenation in the blood and health of the circulatory system, on a lower side, liver and spleen disorders etc.
(iii) MAMSA – Shows the health of muscles and ligaments, the healthy working of the nostrils, muscular strength or weakness, on a lower side, muscle tumors, cramps etc.
(iv) MEDA – reveals the health of the adipose system, on a lower side, the type of diabetes and its onset with the cause, lethargy, obesity and its cause, underactive thyroid (hypothyroid condition) and it’s cause, breathlessness, fatty tumors, early warnings of the onset of breast tumors and cancer.
(v) ASTHI – reveals the health of the bones, hair and nails, on a lower side, hairfall and its cause, types of arthritic conditions and its cause, platelet count, calcification etc.
(vi) MAJJA – Nadi Pariksha reveals the health of the nervous system, on a lower side, sluggishness of the mind and body, early warning of the onset or the cause of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, attention deficit disorders, etc.
(Vii) SHUKRA – reveals the health of the reproductive tissue, on a lower side, causes of impotency and infertility, sexual health, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, inability to have orgasm and its cause, ovarian cyst and its cause, low libido, enlargement of prostate gland and its cause, etc.
What is the fundamental principle of diagnosis in Nadi Pariksha
The fundamental basis of diagnosis is the Tri-Doshic principle of Vata, Pitta & Kapha the 3 biological humors, their sub Doshas and how they help in maintaining a subtle balance in the body. Their imbalance creates a state of disharmony in the individual.
The imbalance in the humors changes the existing biorhythms and these modifications alter the body’s mental, emotional, physical, physiological and pathological environments resulting in a state of dis-ease. This state of dis-ease is interpreted through the study of symptoms expressed through the body such as ailments which can be acute or chronic.
What can be diagnosed through Nadi Pariksha
To start with, the original constitution of the “Body & Mind” (Prakruti & Vikruti) are established. This becomes the primary data that helps in understanding the reasons for the individual’s ailments and everything else that follows.
Based on the above facts, Nadi Pariksha attempts to interpret the root cause of ailments. The ‘Samprapti’ or ethology of an ailment or disease is traced back to its roots in the form the primary expressions which may have originated in the etheric, mental or an emotional plane or any other origin as the case maybe.
In the Nadi Pariksha that I practice, in the diagnosis, it is possible to see the health of all the 12 major organs, their predominant doshas, the health of the Doshas in detail (including their 5 sub-doshas), the 7 dhatu and the predominant doshas which are in a state of imbalance. The effects of their imbalance on the mind and body can be precisely understood. The health of the seven Chakras are also ascertained. Chakras are psychic energy centres corresponding to the physical location of our glands. Chakras carry all the vibrations of our past lives and their effects in our current life. Chakras also get influenced by the aggravated doshas and this is also seen in the Nadi Pariksha.
To ensure the diagnosis is fool proof and accurate, the other seven types of cross checks are conducted such as;
Examination of Nails
Examination of Tongue
Examination of Eyes
Examination of skin
Examination or question about Urine
Examination or question about stools
Examination of Speech
The resultant changes in the biorhythms bring pathological changes and these are interpreted as ailments. Also, ailments are traced from the source (the cause) to the current suffering. So ascertaining the treatment procedure is easily available to a Vaidya.
Non medically, behavioural characteristics of an individual like psychiatry, psychology, likes and dislikes, thinking ability, emotional disturbances, and other such informations can be ascertained. This Nadi Pariksha is unique in the sense that it can capture information which is very close to astrology like in “Prana Shastra”.
What is the difference between a “Nadi Pariksha” report and a “Pathology Report”
Nadi Pariksha –
It helps in understanding the main cause of the ailment
It shows the Samprapti. There is no room for error or guesswork
It can clearly show the psychosomatic expression of the ailment
It shows the next stage in the Samprapti so a person can be made aware of the existing dangers to health
It gives an overall picture of the behaviour of the body in the context of the mind, internal organs reacting to each other and the entire environment
Nadi Pariksha shows the body as one single organism
Nadi Pariksha shows the working of the organs in relation to the doshas & dhatus
A reference to a person’s Prakruti & Vikruti is an advanced concept which is totally unique to Ayurveda
Nadi Pariksha is totally personalised to the individual and a second report of the same cannot be generated for another person
Nadi Pariksha shows a progress in all parameters in the body. No other report is required.
Pathological Report –
It only shows the current symptoms
The ethology pertains to individual organs. It does not see the cause of origin from other sites within the body. It is purely on instinct and the experience of the doctor or pathologist to infer
It only indicates parameters under a fixed protocol as decided by the science. It cannot be tailored to individual constitutions as this concept is not present in English medicine.
The next stage cannot be ascertained as it is only a reference to a protocol
It gives the pathological report of the individual organ only
A pathological report does not take into consideration the body as a whole
There is no background information of the patient except his past reports if any. No other information is available
There are no references to genealogy or anything. What is available is just a pathological report
Pathological reports are generic to a known pre-determined protocol
Various reports are required to asses the working of the body as a whole and to understand the developments or progress or deterioration in health as the case maybe.
What stage of a disease process can Nadi Pariksha diagnose
Nadi Pariksha can reveal a disease process at any stage by making the Samprapti and pointing out the stage of Khavaigunya. From Sanchaya to Prakopa, Prasata to Sthana Sanshraya to Vyakti to Bheda, every stage can be diagnosed.
What is the stage of a disease or ailment at which Nadi Pariksha should be done
Nadi Pariksha predicts your health condition from absolutely normal and helps you the reason behind it. It also reveals any ailment or disease to progress. Nadi Pariksha should not be preferred only for critical or chronic ailments. Nadi Pariksha reveals the cause of a dis-ease in the body and reveals all reasons for the dis-ease; including emotional disturbances, lifestyle, food habits, wrong food combinations, etc.
This is the most advanced diagnostic tool for diagnosing psychosomatic ailments and all other ailments connected to one’s environment, lifestyle, foo habits, personal preferences of any kind leading to an ailment or disease.
What can a Vaidya see in a Nadi Pariksha report
A Vaidya is given to understand the individual, his Prakruti of Sharira & Manas, his emotional state and his current state of health.
A Vaidya can very clearly see the prognosis of a disease at any stage. Also, the health of every single organ is looked at very closely with a clear focus on the vitiation of doshas in every single organ.
Also, an accurate mapping of the vitiation of doshas and it’s reaction in the dhatus can be very clearly ascertained. The metabolic activity and and the quality of agni in every single dhatu is seen very clearly. The metabolic activity of the body is very clearly understood.
The circulation of energy, blood, lymph, rasa and Mala are very vividly seen without a doubt. The activity in the ether I candy energy bodies to understand the action in the “Causal Body” or Karana Sharira is also very clearly seen.
The khavaigunya can be very clearly seen. Interpreting these details can make it easy for a Vaidya to understand the disease and it’s Samprapti.
Is the Nadi Pariksha report “Prescription Friendly” for a Vaidya
Interpretation of information through a Nadi Pariksha is very easy. A Vaidya can very clearly see the prognosis of a disease at any stage. Also, the health of every single organ is looked at very closely with a clear focus on the vitiation of doshas in every single organ.
Also, an accurate mapping of the vitiation of doshas and it’s reaction in the dhatus can be very clearly ascertained. The metabolic activity and and the quality of agni in every single dhatu is seen very clearly. The metabolic activity of the body is very clearly understood.
The circulation of energy, blood, lymph, rasa and Mala are very vividly seen without a doubt. The subtlest activity in the energy body to understand the action in the “Causal Body” or Karana Sharira is also very clearly seen.
The khavaigunya can be very clearly seen. Interpreting these details can make it easy for a Vaidya to understand the disease and it’s Samprapti.
What can a layman see in a Nadi Pariksha
Interpretation of information from a Nadi Pariksha is a very friendly informative tool for a layman. The ailment or disease process can be very easily explained to them in short or in a descriptive manner as the case may be, without confusing them with unnecessary or too much information.
Information can also be tailored to suit the individual without skipping vital information required for them to start their healing process. This is important as Ayurveda is a science of self healing with the knowledge disseminated by a Vaidya to assist in the healing process.
Even for people who are least acquainted with Ayurveda or it’s terminologies, a logical progression in a Nadi Pariksha report will make ample sense and will enable them to follow the recommendations without a problem.
What are the possibilities of Nadi Pariksha
Nadi Pariksha has the following limitations;
Nadi Pariksha cannot show a visual representation like an x-ray or any scan but it can understand the effects of energy and its manifestation on the physical body
Nadi Pariksha cannot give a numerical representation of facts. But it can interpret the root cause of ailments and pinpoint the disease process with accuracy.
It cannot be practiced by everyone. Only those who are having an ability to be cantered in their own consciousness and who have a deep desire to serve Spiritually can practice Nadi Pariksha
Interpretation of Nadi Pariksha needs a very high degree of Ayurvedic knowledge and a deep intuitive understanding of the text.
The task of learning Nadi Pariksha is a very arduous one, but the outcome brings out the innermost strengths and Spiritual abilities with the highest of intuitive ability to diagnose ailments.