I am forwarding this article as a message that I was asked to deliver. So here it is for your benefits.
Reason for normal memory loss
- Lack of focus
- Thinking of too many things
- Inability to concentrate
- Not being in the present
- Stress & anxiety
- Disinterest in the subject
- Impulsive behaviour
Why the mind can’t recall?
- The subject matter has not been registered
- There has been careless hearing
- You have assumed something else because of preoccupation of the mind
- You constantly think you will forget
- You are listening under an environment of stress
- You are having too many things on your mind
- You are disorganised and do not prioritise
What are the corrective actions?
- Give time to yourself to make your mind calm by not doing anything for 5 – 10 minutes, once every 3-4 hours. This will energise you, castle your mind, reduce your thoughts.
- Keep a checklist to review all activities which done and/or pending
- Practice deep breathing. You will remain in the now.
- Ask questions to reconfirmed what you have heard and understood is right
- Allocate enough time for each activity. Keep enough time for travel and other requirements.
- Do not crowd your day but keep yourself busy, not very tightly scheduled. Be reasonable with yourself.
- Go to sleep early. Your mind will be well rested and active the next day. You cannot perform your activities well when you are sleep deprived.
Interested in Home Remedies for improving Memory, get in touch with me
Home Remedies for memory loss are not cures. They help you in focussing better.