Meditation is not an activity to seek but it’s trying to establish a state to receive. You cannot be the meditator as in meditation there is no individual present. There is just you, meaning your higher self, not you as in your name and form.
I have come across people who have claimed that they are expert meditators as they have been doing meditation for 15 years, 20 years
, 25 years etc.
How can this be possible? In meditation, there is no You. Meditation is going beyond yourself, your mind, your personality. It’s just not about you in your form with a name.
Meditation is not an activity. You cannot do meditation. Meditation is the end result of a quiet mind after you have discarded all unnecessary thought waves and emotions through active and purposeful contemplation. Thus, when your mind is completely rested and quiet, you just go beyond it into the blissful comfort of your Consciousness. Now you are in a meditative state
Meditation is going beyond time. So every time you sit for meditation, you are just losing yourself more and more of your ego self to seek your true self. Therefore, there cannot be a cumulative meditation experience.
If you expect people to appreciate your meditative experience of so many years, you have just failed in your Sadhana.
In meditation, If you have reached soul consciousness, the realisation that the soul has no beginning or end; meaning it has no age, time or space will dawn upon you as you are the soul.
Then you have succeeded to connect with your Higher Consciousness.